タペストリー 兜
¥38,500 tax included
*Earliest delivery date is 1/18(Sat) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
Shipping fee is not included. More information.
This item can be shipped outside of Japan.
全国的にも珍しい手染めの伝統と技術を、現在、郡上本染 渡辺染物店の十五代目が継承し、一つ一つ丁寧に製作しています。
【素材】 綿100%
The Samurai helmet
In Japan, it is customary to decorate a samurai helmet on Children's Day in the hope of growing a boy.
I draw the samurai helmet picture with indigo dyeing.
You can easily decorate it as it has sticks on the top and bottom.
It is dyed many times with fermented natural indigo.
Size: about 50cm x 140cm
Material: 100% cotton
[Precautions for handling indigo dyed products]
* Indigo dye will transfer color by rubbing. As you continue to use it, the color will not fade easily. Also, the color fades little by little as you use it.
* Please note that the attached color cannot be removed if the color of leather is transferred due to friction. In particular, do not rub brightly colored leather products.
* Please do not wash. It may cause loss of shape.
* Please store in a dark place with low humidity such as chest of drawers and boxes. Please note that you may get sunburn if you get direct sunlight or fluorescent light for a long time.
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¥38,500 tax included