
額絵 鯉のぼり二匹

¥37,400 tax included

*Earliest delivery date is 1/18(Sat) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

Shipping fee is not included. More information.

全国的にも珍しい手染めの伝統と技術を、現在、郡上本染 渡辺染物店の十五代目が継承し、一つ一つ丁寧に製作しています。




【素材】 額縁:木、アクリル板 生地:木綿

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Picture of two carp streamers

In Japan, it is customary to fry carp streamers on Children's Day.
Carp streamers swim well in the sky.
This event is held in the hope that the child will be healthy.
The dough inside was soaked in fermented natural indigo many times. Produced using traditional dyeing methods.

[Size] Horizontal 65 cm x Vertical 57 cm
[Material] Frame: wood, acrylic board Fabric: cotton

Precautions for handling picture frames

* The frame is made of wood and the entire surface is made of acrylic. Be careful not to hit it or rub the acrylic plate for cleaning, as it will be easily scratched.
* When installing on a wall, check the strength of the wall in advance. Also, the attached string will deteriorate over time, so check it occasionally.
* We are not responsible for any damage or injury caused by dropping.
* Avoid damp places as it may cause mold.

  • Shipping method / fee

  • Payment method

¥37,400 tax included

  • 屋外用(2.8m~5.5m)セット各種

  • ベランダサイズ(160cm鯉)

  • 武者幟(太閤・加藤清正)7.2m
